Corporate Identity

Many business owners and managers struggle with defining their corporate identity. It’s easy to think that all you need are corporate logos and trademarks. While these are integral to the corporate identity, they’re not all of it. Corporate identity is also communicated whenever the company is represented online or on social media. Public statements, press releases, videos or other branded content – all these things help to establish corporate identity, which should reinforce your brand’s mission statement.

Creating a corporate identity strategy requires experience and knowledge of corporate communications, branding strategies, and other marketing concepts. Let the experts at Tack Media assist you with developing a comprehensive corporate identity plan. We can also assist with execution, from establishing a social media strategy to distribution of press releases and everything in between. Our corporate identity experts will ensure that wherever your target market encounters your brand, they’ll see the mission and personality behind your products or services.

We get on board and solve whatever comes our way.
If there is a challenge, Tack Media has the solution!

I want a visual representation of
my company’s brand and values

Our company need elements such as a logo,
color scheme, typography, and overall
design aesthetic

I need to create a consistent and recognizable image
for the company, helping to build trust and credibility
with customers and stakeholders.

I need to differentiate my company
from its competitors and establish
a unique brand image

Standing out from the crowd can be
a challenge and I need to have
unique look and identity

I need to establish social media presence

Connect with Tack

Our online digital marketing services can help you maintain a well thought out and strategic approach that is adaptable, budget conscious, and also encourages increased engagement from your potential customers.

Talk To Us

We’re available 5 days a week to learn about your internal marketing automation needs.
  • Expert advice:

Today many companies struggle to do some or all of these things in-house. Fortunately, Tack Media is available to help on a per-project basis, or regularly, as needed. Our team of Designers and Brand Managers will provide expert advices and will create unique Corporate Identity.

  • Extension of your marketing teams:

We can step in if you need assistance with a particular design, piece of content, or help develop a full branding strategy, so all elements are connected. Our experienced, cohesive team will work together to produce results and grow your brand.

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See our work

Our portfolio of diverse clients . These include branding, graphic design, website design, website development, multimedia and more.

Discover Your Potential

Scaling businesses in web, creative, social, lead generation, SEO, SEM, and content development.
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  • Speak to a Live Marketing Expert
  • We Never Send Clients to Voicemail
  • 5 Minute Response Chat Times
  • All Inclusive Packages : No Nickel and Dime-ing
  • Customized Packages to Your Budget
Tack Media Digital Marketing Agency